Tips For Driving Your Campervan Economically

With fuel prices in the UK not too far off £2.00 per litre campervan and motorhome owners will probably be looking for any way that they can reduce the amount spent on filling up their tanks. Below we provide a number of tips that may help.

Cost of fuel at petrol stations

Let’s get the obvious one out of the way first! The amount charged by petrol stations varies for petrol and diesel so it may pay to shop around in your locality.  You will need to bear in mind the cost of getting to the petrol station versus the saving you make on putting fuel in your leisure vehicle.

Servicing your vehicle

Make sure that you have your campervan or motorhome regularly serviced as this may improve your fuel efficiency and you are less likely to break down which could result in you incurring unwanted repair bills.

Tyre Pressure

Make sure that your campervan or motorhome’s tyres have the correct pressure in them as incorrectly inflated tyres can result in your vehicle being less fuel-efficient. It could also result in the poor handling of your vehicle and you having an accident.

Loading of vehicle

You should ensure that you do not overload your leisure vehicle and that the weight is evenly spread. If it is not then this could also affect the handling of the vehicle whilst being driven and reduce the fuel efficiency of the vehicle.

Driving Speed

Drive at the most economical speed. Your vehicle may be fitted with equipment that enables you to monitor how many miles to the gallon you are getting whilst driving at a particular speed. As a general rule, driving at a speed of between 55mph and 60mph is considered to be the most economical assuming that you are permitted and it is safe to do so.


If you are not driving an automatic then make sure that you are driving in the most economical gear. i.e. don’t drive at 30mph in 1st or 2nd gear.

Air conditioning

Try turning the air conditioning off and only use it when really necessary i.e. in hot weather as this may result in you saving some fuel.

Shorter Distance Breaks

Obviously, the further you travel then the more fuel you are likely to use so why not consider taking short breaks that are closer to home.

We hope that some of the above tips prove of benefit to you and help lower the amount that you spend on fuel to fill up your motorhome or campervan.


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